Saturday, November 12, 2022

Week 9A Blogs, Vlogs, and Webinars

 I think that a personal touch should be added when delving into subject matter that is trying to create a personal or emotional connection with the reader. I don’t think that personal touches are inappropriate for business postings as long as its moderated and used appropriately. I would be much more apt to trust a business if I felt like I was personally connected with them. 

For my business, I think it would be a great way to bring people into our non-profit and get them engaged with our mission and even potentially volunteering or donating! This personal touch would also be helpful in spreading the word of what we do and would be really helpful in engaging with social media audiences. I’m not sure I think there is any business that wouldn’t be helped by being more personable in their social media. During the early stages of the pandemic health and science businesses shared personal stories to get their message across. Banks can highlight the families and small businesses they help. 

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