Monday, December 19, 2022

Week 13B Developing Online Advertising

 These are three ads I have created in the past, and one even did so well you can see I boosted it for a payment at one time.

 All three of these ads are effective for similar reason. I chose bright, catchy, and high texturized images to draw the eye in. You are interested in learning more and going to my page to see more! I included not only beautiful flowers, but a scientific/learning angle about breeding flowers to draw in more interaction from users who are looking to learn too, not just peruse my feed. 

The objective, overall, is to drive traffic to my page. At the time when I made them and/or paid for one I didn’t sell and I am still not. Im not trying to advertise or make sales, my objective is to inform and gather like minded users. This would be the same goal as a non-profit.  

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Week 17 Wrapping Up

 Overall, I’m glad this class was required and that I took it. Prior to this class I knew that social media and social media marketing was i...