Sunday, December 18, 2022

Week 13A Online Marketing Analysis

 I use Instagram daily and what immediately draws my eye is if the content is relevant to what I purchase and am looking for sellers of. I typically look for black, darker, more gothic/classical items or bright, whimsical children’s items and clothing. I also like to look at how put together and professional the ad looks as well. 

When it comes to ads, I dislike ads that block text, or ads that have no relevance to me. I feel if an add is being forced on you they should be user friendly and navigable. Because I use Instagram most commonly, ads are a 50/50 split of either being a website or link tree with different outbound choices. 

Personally, I believe that Social Media marketing is far superior to traditional forms. Firstly, traditional marketing is more expensive and requires a lot more resources and a larger employee chain. Second, a lot of traditional marketing is a pay to access or not readily available to large swaths of the population. If I wanted to go get a paler I’s have to drive around, find it, and pay for it. Alternatively, you can open your ap and see the marketing directly for free access. 

I think that badly formatted random ads you see “jumping” around web pages are not as relevant and very frustrating. I see these a lot as well on recipe websites and it can make navigating a nightmare. In the reverse, the extremely targeted version of ads today feels very intrusive. I know there are things I barely discuss or only in private, but I end up with ads.

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Week 17 Wrapping Up

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