Thursday, December 15, 2022

Week 12A Using Business Specific Online Tools

 In a business class last semester I had to create a full business plan as a continuous final project and one section of that was creating a Google identity. One tool not listed, but that I used and would be very helpful is Google Voice. Its important to have a dedicated business line, however immediately buying a new phone/phone line isn’t always feasible for a business. Google Voice is a great way to have a second dedicated line. 

The next took would be the Good Business Services where you can post your business profile. Not only can you get your full information out, advertise your website, and collect reviews but you can tract metrics about search and return data. 

Google Maps is a great tool, linked to a business profile, where your business will show up when a location is viewed on Google Maps. It also allows you to be included, by radius, in search results for certain types of businesses or keywords. 

There are Google Reviews, and they are super useful to show the customer feedback about your business. Outside sites like Yelp are great for the same reason. 

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Week 17 Wrapping Up

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