Monday, December 19, 2022

Week 16A Developing Your Marketing Strategy

 I think that the social media platforms that would best serve the business type I chose would be Instagram and TikTok. Non-profit isn’t focused on sales, but instead focused on growing a community and sharing the difference you are making. I feel that photos and videos can spread your message, and have a better ability to go viral. 

Of all the tools we reviewed I think that Sprout Social (the social median management tool) would be what I would focus mainly on paying for and using. Not only would it do most of the work of scheduling and filtering social media content, but it has a built in analytical and research feature. 

Instagram will be, and has been my favorite. I really dislike Facebook and don’t use it personally or plant to professionally. I think that the world is evolving and we are moving away from written word and more towards what we can see, listen to, and document in detail for the future. 

Because of this evolution, I think that businesses should focus their energy and time as a whole on social media/marketing versus any other platforms. New generations of users will be attracted by and members of a businesses digital environment. 

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Week 17 Wrapping Up

 Overall, I’m glad this class was required and that I took it. Prior to this class I knew that social media and social media marketing was i...