Saturday, October 15, 2022

Week 8A Expanding Reach by Using #Hastags

 Businesses: foodisfreelaneway , gardeningwithdisabilitiestrust , oldmoatgc , horatiosgarden

All but one of the businesses I followed and researched used hashtags. Instagram does seem to be working effectively for the businesses who use the hashtags. Most of the hashtags used are centered around awareness, gardening, plant identification, charity, social welfare terms, and health/disabilities. All of the hashtags are placed at the end of the caption, usually with some space breaking up the text box in between. This seems to be a pretty common practice across the board for hashtags. There weren’t any specific hashtags so if I searched and scrolled eventually I could find them, but they didn’t come up first. 

Gardening With Disabilities- 

Followers: 1247

Last Post: 10/14/2022

Post Frequency: Every five days with the occasional long quiet stretch 

Comment Amount: 3-7 on average 

Food Is Free Laneway- 

Followers: 4062

Last Post: 10/15/2022

Post Frequency: Daily

Comment Amount: 2-5 on average

Horatios Garden- 

Followers: 7826

Last Post: 10/15/2022

Post Frequency: Daily 

Comment Amount: 3-10

Old Moat GC- 

Followers: 1209

Last Post: 10/12/2022

Post Frequency: Every 3-5 days

Comment Amount: 1-3

I think the biggest help I could draw from these pages is their content, tone, and aesthetic overall - not necessarily hashtags. They are all enjoyable to scroll through, positive, happy, informative, and can connect well with their audiences. The hashtags I would choose to use would start with California, then the local area, gardening words, plant words, help/assistance/outreach words, and I would use my business name or shortened name as well.

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