Saturday, November 12, 2022

Week 10A Researching Email Marketing

 I would definitely have a business newsletter go out monthly! With social media and the way businesses can connect now, I feel like a weekly newsletter would be a bit overboard and dry. However, I would use a monthly newsletter to update followers on the biggest events of the month, highlight big upcoming news, and share a wrap up of sorts for the month. 

Biggest Events of the Month could cover the biggest posts we shared, what special events were done, or highlight special things we did that month. 

Big Upcoming News would be a great way to show off whats coming, garner interest for projects, ask for donations, get volunteers, and connect with followers who may be interested in participating if possible. 

Wrap Ups would cover the general feeling of the month, update on donation goals, share thoughts from volunteers, the business, and those who got help. 

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Week 17 Wrapping Up

 Overall, I’m glad this class was required and that I took it. Prior to this class I knew that social media and social media marketing was i...