Thursday, December 15, 2022

Week 11A Marketing With Twitter and More

 Personally, I already use LinkdIn, however as a nonprofit business I would choose to do the same! LinkdIn has been really wonderful for connecting with my coworkers thus being able to connect with others who share similar career paths and thoughts about the career sphere of my life. Its also a very professional atmosphere so you don’t have to worry about the issues you face with Twitter and TikTok environments. 

As a nonprofit, LinkdIn would be an amazing way to connect with other nonprofit workers, executives, and creators. I also feel that it would be a professional environment to foster a relationship with and connect with potential investors. On this platform there is also a much higher resource of career oriented articles, knowledge, and discussion. 

More casual social media like Twitter and Tik Tok foster great customer engagement if you need exposure and sales. To a degree its good PR for a non-profit, but overall I don’t think professional and needed connections can be made as easily those ways. 

In conclusion - I plan on building my LinkdIn presence and eventually using it more full time if I decide to start a non profit at some point. 

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Week 17 Wrapping Up

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