Monday, December 19, 2022

Week 17 Wrapping Up

 Overall, I’m glad this class was required and that I took it. Prior to this class I knew that social media and social media marketing was incredibly important but I never realized all of the impacts it can have on your business. I had also never seen the back end, or inner workings, of tools and business pages. 

I think that my viewpoint has changed from a business perspective - I can see now how vital now only using, but mastering, social media is for a business. However personally no my opinions haven’t changed and I don’t expect my usage to go up. 

From a technical standpoint I have a much better idea of how to use social media to develop a successful business. I can see now how scheduling and types of content can lead to positive and negative interactions between businesses and their customers. I also realize how important it is to know where to find data, how to read it, and how to interpret what digital data is telling you about your customer and your businesses’ success. 

The biggest successes I noticed were by businesses and brands who harnessed social media to deliver who they were, put on a personable attitude, and directly reach customers. Certain Brands like Wendys and Taco Bell are known for their hilarious Tweets and customer conversations. On the other hand, the biggest failures I noticed came from brands and businesses who neglected their social media. You can, on a very small scale, have a successful business that relies on word of mouth or local connected customers only, but you can’t grow or scale up that way. Unkempt social media pages remind me a lot of dirty or empty store fronts - you immediately assume the business is not doing well or closed completely. 

I committed during the pandemic to only shopping small and Instagram or Tik Tok have been my main sources for finding and making purchases. 

Week 16A Developing Your Marketing Strategy

 I think that the social media platforms that would best serve the business type I chose would be Instagram and TikTok. Non-profit isn’t focused on sales, but instead focused on growing a community and sharing the difference you are making. I feel that photos and videos can spread your message, and have a better ability to go viral. 

Of all the tools we reviewed I think that Sprout Social (the social median management tool) would be what I would focus mainly on paying for and using. Not only would it do most of the work of scheduling and filtering social media content, but it has a built in analytical and research feature. 

Instagram will be, and has been my favorite. I really dislike Facebook and don’t use it personally or plant to professionally. I think that the world is evolving and we are moving away from written word and more towards what we can see, listen to, and document in detail for the future. 

Because of this evolution, I think that businesses should focus their energy and time as a whole on social media/marketing versus any other platforms. New generations of users will be attracted by and members of a businesses digital environment. 

Week 15B Using Facebook Analytics

 I am an Apple customer who actually stopped using Facebook for the same reasons that Apples update caused them issues. To begin with, Facebook has had analytics to track hate speech, violence, racism, etc. but chooses to overlook them. Prior to Apple making their changes, Facebook harvested almost all customer data available from Apple devices to sell to ad revenue services. Lastly, Facebooks TOC and privacy were very vague, open to interpretation, and they faced many data breaches. All of these led to an Apple lockdown on security and Facebook losing millions in analytics and ads. 

As a moral, I believe that businesses and individuals have a responsibility to combat hate in any environment they directly manage. Facebook created analytics and data harvesting under the guise of a better user experience. However, they didn’t use it responsibly and didn’t use them for good either .

Prior to Apple’s changes according to Facebooks TOC you had to agree to to sign up and use the apps  they could collect everything from internet searches, location, contacts, messages contents, pictures, etc. Essentially using Facebook was agreeing to them keeping tabs on you constantly. 

Lastly, multiple security breaches made the data not safe. People’s personal information and even basic behavioral information like google searches could be hacked and released. 

Week 15A Google Analytics and What We Learn

 After going through the analytics website I think that the combined analytics of Search 360 and their RIO to help drive returning users would be the most help with my business. Even though I am not selling anything, the most important commodity a non-profit has is their supportive base and people who build long last relationships with your organization and mission. 

I think that cultivating your customer base is regardless of industry vital to continuing to do business. As a whole platform I think Google would be overtly very helpful because you can link websites, hours, business information, and contact routes. Then you can turn around with their integrated tools and search how customers found you, why, and how they used the Google Services.

Week 14 Social Media Management Tools

 I knew before researching what social media management tool I wanted to use, but after reconfirming what they offer and the different features I am more sure I’d proceed the same. At a previous job our social media coordinator used Sprout Social, which is a really cool inclusive management and research tool. 

First, there is an awesome month free trial that includes full usage of up to five social media profile, with the option to add more. Previously, it was three profiles with the option to buy up to five. All profiles have notifications and messages that come to the same inbox! Thats a big time saver and best for organizing customer communications in the same place.

The research feature was one of my favorite features, and part of what I think sets them apart. You can gather and analyze your regular metrics BUT you can also research for specific key words, trends, and even compare what was popular across all your platforms in one place. Monthly, its $249 which seems high but for a running business its not considering all the legwork the technology does. 

Week 13B Developing Online Advertising

 These are three ads I have created in the past, and one even did so well you can see I boosted it for a payment at one time.

 All three of these ads are effective for similar reason. I chose bright, catchy, and high texturized images to draw the eye in. You are interested in learning more and going to my page to see more! I included not only beautiful flowers, but a scientific/learning angle about breeding flowers to draw in more interaction from users who are looking to learn too, not just peruse my feed. 

The objective, overall, is to drive traffic to my page. At the time when I made them and/or paid for one I didn’t sell and I am still not. Im not trying to advertise or make sales, my objective is to inform and gather like minded users. This would be the same goal as a non-profit.  

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Week 13A Online Marketing Analysis

 I use Instagram daily and what immediately draws my eye is if the content is relevant to what I purchase and am looking for sellers of. I typically look for black, darker, more gothic/classical items or bright, whimsical children’s items and clothing. I also like to look at how put together and professional the ad looks as well. 

When it comes to ads, I dislike ads that block text, or ads that have no relevance to me. I feel if an add is being forced on you they should be user friendly and navigable. Because I use Instagram most commonly, ads are a 50/50 split of either being a website or link tree with different outbound choices. 

Personally, I believe that Social Media marketing is far superior to traditional forms. Firstly, traditional marketing is more expensive and requires a lot more resources and a larger employee chain. Second, a lot of traditional marketing is a pay to access or not readily available to large swaths of the population. If I wanted to go get a paler I’s have to drive around, find it, and pay for it. Alternatively, you can open your ap and see the marketing directly for free access. 

I think that badly formatted random ads you see “jumping” around web pages are not as relevant and very frustrating. I see these a lot as well on recipe websites and it can make navigating a nightmare. In the reverse, the extremely targeted version of ads today feels very intrusive. I know there are things I barely discuss or only in private, but I end up with ads.

Week 17 Wrapping Up

 Overall, I’m glad this class was required and that I took it. Prior to this class I knew that social media and social media marketing was i...